Wednesday, December 30, 2015


A Biblical perspective of UFO's, Aliens and Alien Abductions
The demonic connection to this phenomenon
Last updated June 30, 2012

Our position on UFOs and "aliens"
Our position on this is pretty straightforward.
  1. Most UFO sightings can be explained either as mistaken identities of something else, or as hoaxes perpetrated by people.  However, there is a smaller percentage of UFO and USO's (unidentified submerged objects), around 5%, that can be divided into these categories:
    • real craft not of human origin, but not from "aliens" either
    • real craft of human origin that are entirely human engineered (see this link)
    • real craft of human origin that were designed by humans with possible knowledge from the demonic realm
    • possibly some reverse engineered craft from recovered craft. However, the recovered craft are not from "alien" life forms
    • demonic illusions (I am suspicious that the majority of this 5% of UFO sightings and most or all alleged alien abductions fall into this category)
    The case for the existence of at least some real UFO aircraft (as opposed to demonic illusions) is a strong one.  There is a popular misconception that only guys named "Bubba" who are drunk at the time see them.  The reality is that they have been observed in recent times by fighter pilots from several countries, astronauts, commercial airline pilots, military security personnel, presidents, governors of states, air traffic controllers, hundreds of people at the same time in a particular city,  and in one of the most intriguing cases I've ever heard of 62 school children in Zimbabwe.  Of course in all these cases, witnesses and secular investigators attach an "alien" explanation to what was observed if they can't explain it any other way.  In none of these instances do they even consider a possible demonic connection.  Instead, they are falling prey to the lies that these alleged aliens care about us and are making contact with us for that purpose.  For its part, the Christian church is mostly silent on these sightings and alleged abductions and seems content to remain blissfully ignorant about them regardless of the compelling evidence all around them that there is an explosive growth of this activity, and that a lot of it is coming from highly reliable witnesses.
    For excellent examples of testimony by what appear to be mostly highly credible witnesses, watch these videos of witnesses uncovered by the U.F.O. Disclosure Project in front of audiences of international journalists at the National Press Club. Warning - there's a lot of left leaning propaganda during the the introductions and from some of the witnesses in some of the presentations at the National Press Club  that I am in no way endorsing.  The reason for putting a link to these videos on this page is because they provide one of the best opportunities I've seen so far to watch what appear to be highly credible witnesses (most of them) give their testimonies first hand. Keep in mind that these witnesses are all testifying in front of members of the National Press Club (, an organization of professional journalists.  They are an audience that has the knowledge and know how to verify at least some of what they are saying, including whether or not they are really who they say they are.  The "I know what I saw" documentary, especially the Mercury astronaut who was an eye witness to a UFO that touched down on a military base right in plain view of him and several others on the base is also very compelling.