Friday, September 11, 2015

eloise figueroa United States - Professional On The Web

eloise figueroa United States - Professional On The Web


  1. Ancient Aliens: Secrets of the Pyramids


    1. Ancient Alien Evidence

      ByShelly Barclay on April 27, 2011
      There is a popular belief, compounded by popular television, that aliens walked the Earth in ancient times. Some theorize that ancient aliens are responsible for ancient technological wonders and/or that the ancient gods were in fact aliens. The History Channel’s series “Ancient Aliens” goes into details about why this belief is so popular and what evidence there is to support it. As it turns out, there is quite a bit of evidence to support ancient alien theories. However, all of it is subject to interpretation.


      Ancient geoglyphs, particularly the Nazca lines, are some of the most famous pieces of ancient alien evidence. The Nazca lines of Peru are high up in the desert. They appear to have been made by the ancient Nazca people sometime between 400 BCE and 650 CE. They are huge, some measuring more than 600 ft. wide. While many depict animals, such as a spider and a monkey, others look like what ancient alien theorists would call “alien runways.”

      The reason why these geoglyphs are often seen as evidence of contact with aliens is the simple fact that they cannot be seen as what they are from the ground. There is no way to view them as art unless you are in the air. The problem is that there was no way for people to fly back then, so for some, it stands to reason that these lines were meant to act as messages or runways for aliens. It is quite possible that the Nazca looked at it as artwork for the gods, but were their gods really aliens?

      It is important to note that there is no scholarly consensus on the purpose of the Nazca lines. They have baffled us since their discovery. There just seems to be no logical reason for their existence. Therefore, there is no excluding ancient alien theories in regards to the Nazca lines, no matter how seemingly illogical they are.

      Ancient Art

      Ancient art, as seen in cave drawings, sculpture and carvings, may be the most indicative of ancient aliens. There are cave drawings of what look like astronauts, aliens and spacecraft virtually all over the world. The Jatuo Labyrinth, Tanzania, France, Mexico, Utah, Peru, Kiev, Australia, Tibet, Japan, India and more have artwork from the ancients that depict suspiciously alienesque scenes.


    2. Ancient Alien Evidence

      ByShelly Barclay on April 27, 2011
      There is a popular belief, compounded by popular television, that aliens walked the Earth in ancient times. Some theorize that ancient aliens are responsible for ancient technological wonders and/or that the ancient gods were in fact aliens. The History Channel’s series “Ancient Aliens” goes into details about why this belief is so popular and what evidence there is to support it. As it turns out, there is quite a bit of evidence to support ancient alien theories. However, all of it is subject to interpretation.


      Ancient geoglyphs, particularly the Nazca lines, are some of the most famous pieces of ancient alien evidence. The Nazca lines of Peru are high up in the desert. They appear to have been made by the ancient Nazca people sometime between 400 BCE and 650 CE. They are huge, some measuring more than 600 ft. wide. While many depict animals, such as a spider and a monkey, others look like what ancient alien theorists would call “alien runways.”

      The reason why these geoglyphs are often seen as evidence of contact with aliens is the simple fact that they cannot be seen as what they are from the ground. There is no way to view them as art unless you are in the air. The problem is that there was no way for people to fly back then, so for some, it stands to reason that these lines were meant to act as messages or runways for aliens. It is quite possible that the Nazca looked at it as artwork for the gods, but were their gods really aliens?

      It is important to note that there is no scholarly consensus on the purpose of the Nazca lines. They have baffled us since their discovery. There just seems to be no logical reason for their existence. Therefore, there is no excluding ancient alien theories in regards to the Nazca lines, no matter how seemingly illogical they are.

      Ancient Art

      Ancient art, as seen in cave drawings, sculpture and carvings, may be the most indicative of ancient aliens. There are cave drawings of what look like astronauts, aliens and spacecraft virtually all over the world. The Jatuo Labyrinth, Tanzania, France, Mexico, Utah, Peru, Kiev, Australia, Tibet, Japan, India and more have artwork from the ancients that depict suspiciously alienesque scenes.


  2. What were the important early religious beliefs in ancient China?

    Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism are three major religions and philosophies of ancient China.

    Taoism (or Daoism) is a philosophical, ethical, or religious tradition of Chinese origin that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (also romanized as Dao). The term Tao means "way", "path" or "principle", and can be found in Chinese philosophies and religions other than Taoism.

    Confucianism, is an ethical and philosophical system, also described as a religion, developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–479 BCE).


  3. What were the important early religious beliefs in ancient China?

    Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism are three major religions and philosophies of ancient China.

    Taoism (or Daoism) is a philosophical, ethical, or religious tradition of Chinese origin that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (also romanized as Dao). The term Tao means "way", "path" or "principle", and can be found in Chinese philosophies and religions other than Taoism.

    Confucianism, is an ethical and philosophical system, also described as a religion, developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–479 BCE).








  8. “Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN promises”

    In the video, we see artifacts containing depictions of alien creatures, UFOs and flying saucers, and bizarre technologies. Faces that are similar to the Greys, as they’re called, with large, angular eyes and curved skulls. Insectoid, perhaps.

    Of course, it’s likely these artifacts are forged. It’s odd they would only appear in one obscure Youtube video, anyway. Certain Youtube commenters are saying they’re just tourist memorabilia, as well, so there’s that.

    Such is the way of Forteana, a world of “truth” often obscured by a lack of hard facts and an ocean of hoaxes.

    Nonetheless, here are some screencaps taken from the video of these strange artifacts. Make of them what you will:

  9. Were our ancient ancestors visited by alien beings from another world?

    It’s certainly an interesting idea, one that has reentered the public consciousness thanks to shows like Ancient Aliens.

    Now, a new video has arrived showcasing what it claims are ancient alien artifacts. Otherworldly designs containing proof that we have been visited by extraterrestrials.

    Is this yet another elaborate hoax, or are these artifacts truly evidence that aliens mingled with our ancient ancestors

  10. Were our ancient ancestors visited by alien beings from another world?

    It’s certainly an interesting idea, one that has reentered the public consciousness thanks to shows like Ancient Aliens.

    Now, a new video has arrived showcasing what it claims are ancient alien artifacts. Otherworldly designs containing proof that we have been visited by extraterrestrials.

    Is this yet another elaborate hoax, or are these artifacts truly evidence that aliens mingled with our ancient ancestors


  11. Scientist Calls Mars a Terraforming Target for the 21st Century

    by Leonard David, Special Correspondent, | June 23, 2007 08:34am ET





    ASPEN, Colorado ? Mars will be transformed into a shirt-sleeve, habitable world for humanity before century?s end, made livable by thawing out the coldish climes of the red planet and altering its now carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere




  14. Scientist Calls Mars a Terraforming Target for the 21st Century

    by Leonard David, Special Correspondent, | June 23, 2007 08:34am ET





    ASPEN, Colorado ? Mars will be transformed into a shirt-sleeve, habitable world for humanity before century?s end, made livable by thawing out the coldish climes of the red planet and altering its now carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere

  15. WEDNESDAY – FEBRUARY 17, 2016
    7:30 – 8:30 AM: Experiencer Sessions
    Hosted by a licensed therapist (no press allowed)
    8:30 – 9:00 AM:Conference Welcome & Announcements
    Hosted by Alejandro Rojas
    9:00 – 10:15 AM:TBA

    10:30 – 11:45 AM:TBA

    12:00 – 1:00 PM:
    1:00 – 2:15 PM:

    2:30 – 3:45 PM:

    4:00 – 5:30 PM:

    6:30 – 10:30 PM:
    Meet the Speakers Welcome Party

  16. They Greys are one of many different types of alien races that have, and are still visiting Earth. The Grays are probably the most known alien species because they not only come to Earth and our solar system often, but abduct people and let them go leaving many witnesses to attribute to what they look like and what their agenda is here on Earth. When people ask "what do aliens look like" the Greys are the usual description they get.

    There are two different types of Greys that visit Earth. The first seem to be the leaders and the most intelligent of the two. They are approximately 5 to 8 feet tall, have large heads, large dark eyes, long skinny fingers arms and legs, have a small mouth, small ear holes, and have been reported to have 2 small nostrils. They are hairless and seem to communicate through some kind of telepathy with each other as well as humans.

    The second are worker Greys that have been cloned to the bidding of the larger grays. They are much smaller then the other Greys at around 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall, stubbier fingers arms and legs, but are similar in other ways. (Same shaped head, eyes, ear holes, and small holes for nostrils). They don't seem to be as intelligent as the taller Greys and do much of the grunt work during probing and abductions while the taller Greys work on more scientific areas like collecting sperm and egg samples and working on genetic materials.

    Other alien researchers have assumed that there may be other types of greys out there with many names much like there are different races of humans such as the Bellatrax Greys, Zeta Reticuli, GREY TYPE C, and more but as to date these are the two types we can determine as true.

  17. Aliens and Apocalypse
    Alien Taxonomies in Internet Apocalyptic Discourse

    Grey Alien as Angelic BeingThis fetus-like creature, modeled after the so called "Grey aliens," was believed by the Heaven's Gate group to be "a member of the Kingdom of Heaven."

    In Christian angelology, messenger angels--the class of angels most present to the popular imagination--are pure, immaterial, immortal spirits.

    In the traditions of the three great monotheistic faiths, viz., Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, angels sometimes appear to humans in material form, generally as youthful, winged or non-winged, male or female, perfected, completely human forms. Often, they are described as quite tall.

    Grey aliens, by contrast, are supposed to be only three to four feet tall, mute and telepathic. They exhibit an insectoid appearance, similar to ants. They are said to be emotionless and hive-like in organization, although each individual gray is presumed to be of very high intelligence. In addition, they are highly technologically oriented.

    Greys may be viewed as malevolent, benevolent, or indifferent in various strains of UFO mythology and popular culture. For example, in pop star Sting's recent (1997) music video Laughing Through My Tears Grays appear as happy, clone-like workers in a techno-millennial vision of a future earth.

    Greys are not the only aliens described in abduction scenarios and UFO literature. Another class of aliens are the "Nordics," so-called for their resemblance to Northern European peoples, particularly Swedes. Nordics are frequently depicted as benign and related genetically to humans. They more closely resemble traditional religious descriptions and depictions of angels for their height, coloring, (Northern European) human appearance, and benign attitude.

    In fact, some ufological Apocalyptic reasonings have strong racialist, even racist overtones. The racialist overtones are usually related to the appearance and demeanor of "Nordics", Anglo-Israelism, hatred of Jews, Arabs, or Christians.
    (See: Anglo-Israelism, Racialist Discourse, Isaac's Sons?)

    Another less frequently depicted group of aliens are Reptilians. Reptilians would be biped dinosaur or dragon-like humanoid reptiles. They are generally characterized as malevolent and overtly hostile to humans. Greys are sometimes described as being in the (involuntary) service of Reptilians. Reptilians bear an obvious similarity to traditional religious descriptions of demonic beings.
