Monday, September 14, 2015

eloise figueroa United States - Professional On The Web

eloise figueroa United States - Professional On The Web


  1. horned skulls found!!!


    1. The Greys Alien Race
      Grey Alien
      They Greys are one of many different types of alien races that have, and are still visiting Earth. The Grays are probably the most known alien species because they not only come to Earth and our solar system often, but abduct people and let them go leaving many witnesses to attribute to what they look like and what their agenda is here on Earth. When people ask "what do aliens look like" the Greys are the usual description they get.

      There are two different types of Greys that visit Earth. The first seem to be the leaders and the most intelligent of the two. They are approximately 5 to 8 feet tall, have large heads, large dark eyes, long skinny fingers arms and legs, have a small mouth, small ear holes, and have been reported to have 2 small nostrils. They are hairless and seem to communicate through some kind of telepathy with each other as well as humans.

      The second are worker Greys that have been cloned to the bidding of the larger grays. They are much smaller then the other Greys at around 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall, stubbier fingers arms and legs, but are similar in other ways. (Same shaped head, eyes, ear holes, and small holes for nostrils). They don't seem to be as intelligent as the taller Greys and do much of the grunt work during probing and abductions while the taller Greys work on more scientific areas like collecting sperm and egg samples and working on genetic materials.

      Other alien researchers have assumed that there may be other types of greys out there with many names much like there are different races of humans such as the Bellatrax Greys, Zeta Reticuli, GREY TYPE C, and more but as to date these are the two types we can determine as true.


      About | Arcturi Store | 2010 All Rights Reserved


      Search Articles:






      More Ancient Alien Articles

      Ancient Alien Airplane


      Did the Incas possess the
      knowledge of flight?


      Piri Reis Map

      A map showing America before it
      was discovered!


      Father of Ancient Aliens Theory


      Father of the Ancient Aliens


      Arcturi Store Logo


      Ancient Cave artwork in America
      shows aliens...


      Nazca Lines of Peru


      An Ancient Alien Airport located in


      More Books:

      Space & Time

      Space & Time A Dark Rift by Ricky
      Lucio. Buy Today!

      SPACE & TIME »


      Ancient Aliens and the Vatican Symbol

      The Vatican Admits The
      Possibility That Alien Life
      May Exist...

      Ancient Aliens

      The Ancient Aliens Theory
      and The Ancient Astronaut

      Chariots of the Gods

      The Infamous Book, The
      Chariots of The Gods by
      Erich Von Daniken


      Sumerians and Aliens

      Seen as one of modern archaeologies oldest recorded ancient civilization,
      Sumer lied in the rich and fertile valley between the Tigris and Euphrates
      rivers (Mesopotamia: "between the rivers" in Greek), modern day Iraq.
      Ancient Alien theorist and enthusiast see this civilization as one of histories
      greatest evidence for the past and direct influence of ancient aliens on the
      human population and the advancement in our civilizations. From here, some
      Ancient Alien theorists have created religions, occults, and cults based off the
      old writings of the Sumerian people and what they described as their creation
      by ancient technological beings who came from the sky. Spurring pop-culture
      phenomenons about Planet X, and talking about beings who resemble
      android beings (Anunnaki), Sumer has been shrouded in the mystery of
      ancient times which only leaves us the ability to come to the best and logical
      conclusion as to who the Sumerians were, and whether Ancient Aliens had a direct influence on this culture and civilization. One of the mysteries that
      leaves many archaeologist pondering is the sudden and quick emergence
      of the Sumer Civilization about 6,000 years ago. Aside from possessing
      great technological advancements in writing and pottery, what truly
      bewilders archaeologist and Ancient Alien theorists is the advance
      technique of farming, agriculture, that the Suemrians possessed. This is
      what allowed, for the first time in recorded history, the ability of man to
      "settle" in one area and no longer have a need for constant migration.


      About | Arcturi Store | 2010 All Rights Reserved


      Search Articles:






      More Ancient Alien Articles

      Ancient Alien Airplane


      Did the Incas possess the
      knowledge of flight?


      Piri Reis Map

      A map showing America before it
      was discovered!


      Father of Ancient Aliens Theory


      Father of the Ancient Aliens


      Arcturi Store Logo


      Ancient Cave artwork in America
      shows aliens...


      Nazca Lines of Peru


      An Ancient Alien Airport located in


      More Books:

      Space & Time

      Space & Time A Dark Rift by Ricky
      Lucio. Buy Today!

      SPACE & TIME »


      Ancient Aliens and the Vatican Symbol

      The Vatican Admits The
      Possibility That Alien Life
      May Exist...

      Ancient Aliens

      The Ancient Aliens Theory
      and The Ancient Astronaut

      Chariots of the Gods

      The Infamous Book, The
      Chariots of The Gods by
      Erich Von Daniken


      Sumerians and Aliens

      Seen as one of modern archaeologies oldest recorded ancient civilization,
      Sumer lied in the rich and fertile valley between the Tigris and Euphrates
      rivers (Mesopotamia: "between the rivers" in Greek), modern day Iraq.
      Ancient Alien theorist and enthusiast see this civilization as one of histories
      greatest evidence for the past and direct influence of ancient aliens on the
      human population and the advancement in our civilizations. From here, some
      Ancient Alien theorists have created religions, occults, and cults based off the
      old writings of the Sumerian people and what they described as their creation
      by ancient technological beings who came from the sky. Spurring pop-culture
      phenomenons about Planet X, and talking about beings who resemble
      android beings (Anunnaki), Sumer has been shrouded in the mystery of
      ancient times which only leaves us the ability to come to the best and logical
      conclusion as to who the Sumerians were, and whether Ancient Aliens had a direct influence on this culture and civilization. One of the mysteries that
      leaves many archaeologist pondering is the sudden and quick emergence
      of the Sumer Civilization about 6,000 years ago. Aside from possessing
      great technological advancements in writing and pottery, what truly
      bewilders archaeologist and Ancient Alien theorists is the advance
      technique of farming, agriculture, that the Suemrians possessed. This is
      what allowed, for the first time in recorded history, the ability of man to
      "settle" in one area and no longer have a need for constant migration.


  3. Enigmas that defy explanation. | Mysteries, Supernatural ..

    1. While the main focus of each day are the presentation given by top experts in the field, we also have different activities to do each and every night.

      Don’t miss out on the following activities:
      •Film Festival Screenings
      •Experiencer Sessions
      •Welcome Cocktail Party
      •EBE Awards Banquet
      •Night Vision Skywatch
      •Live music and more…



      Film Festival Screenings
      Film showing times will be announced closer to the event. Films shown are entered into the festival and judged by 12 volunteer attendees. Awards for 3 different categories will presented at the Saturday Evening EBE Awards.


      Experiencer Sessions – Lead by a qualified therapist
      These sessions are held in a private side room in the conference center and seating is limited to the first 100 attendees. If you want to share your story of a sighting, visitation or abduction or just sit and listen to others share their story then this is the session for you. This environment is designed to be a safe and comfortable place for people to gather knowledge and guidance with their experiences. No Press is Allowed in any session.


      Welcome Cocktail Party
      Wednesday February 17th, 2016 from 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM. At the Cocktail Party you will have a chance to meet the speakers in a relaxed environment while enjoying some food, drinks and entertainment.


      EBE Awards Banquet
      Saturday February 20, 2016 from 7:00 PM – 10:30 PMDinner and awards ceremony. Enjoy the company of new and old friends over dinner and drinks while sharing what you’ve learned and what you still seek out to understand. After dinner stay and enjoy the EBE Awards. Films entered in the Film Festival will be judged and presented with awards during the ceremony.
      Come to the “Oscars” UFO Congress Style!

    2. Aliens and Apocalypse
      Alien Taxonomies in Internet Apocalyptic Discourse

      Grey Alien as Angelic BeingThis fetus-like creature, modeled after the so called "Grey aliens," was believed by the Heaven's Gate group to be "a member of the Kingdom of Heaven."

      In Christian angelology, messenger angels--the class of angels most present to the popular imagination--are pure, immaterial, immortal spirits.

      In the traditions of the three great monotheistic faiths, viz., Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, angels sometimes appear to humans in material form, generally as youthful, winged or non-winged, male or female, perfected, completely human forms. Often, they are described as quite tall.

      Grey aliens, by contrast, are supposed to be only three to four feet tall, mute and telepathic. They exhibit an insectoid appearance, similar to ants. They are said to be emotionless and hive-like in organization, although each individual gray is presumed to be of very high intelligence. In addition, they are highly technologically oriented.

      Greys may be viewed as malevolent, benevolent, or indifferent in various strains of UFO mythology and popular culture. For example, in pop star Sting's recent (1997) music video Laughing Through My Tears Grays appear as happy, clone-like workers in a techno-millennial vision of a future earth.

      Greys are not the only aliens described in abduction scenarios and UFO literature. Another class of aliens are the "Nordics," so-called for their resemblance to Northern European peoples, particularly Swedes. Nordics are frequently depicted as benign and related genetically to humans. They more closely resemble traditional religious descriptions and depictions of angels for their height, coloring, (Northern European) human appearance, and benign attitude.

      In fact, some ufological Apocalyptic reasonings have strong racialist, even racist overtones. The racialist overtones are usually related to the appearance and demeanor of "Nordics", Anglo-Israelism, hatred of Jews, Arabs, or Christians.
      (See: Anglo-Israelism, Racialist Discourse, Isaac's Sons?)

      Another less frequently depicted group of aliens are Reptilians. Reptilians would be biped dinosaur or dragon-like humanoid reptiles. They are generally characterized as malevolent and overtly hostile to humans. Greys are sometimes described as being in the (involuntary) service of Reptilians. Reptilians bear an obvious similarity to traditional religious descriptions of demonic beings.

  4. Humans Should Intentionally Seed Life on Mars. Why We Must Start Now.

    Here's a wildly unexpected proposal that just popped into my brain: Humanity should intentionally contaminate Mars with Earth lifeforms -- as soon as possible! The benefits vastly outweigh any concerns to the contrary. Indeed, it may be the smartest thing our species ever does.

    The first obvious benefit is that it will get Earth life off of Earth, making it more likely that it will survive. Humans are wrecking Earth -- but even if we don't Nature may do it for us. All it would take is one big comet or meteor impact -- or a supervolcano or ice-age and much of the living systems and civilization we currently take for granted would vanish in the blink of an eye. Our only insurance is to have a "planetary backup" -- so why not use Mars? We back up our data -- why not our DNA -- why not also backup the amazing ecosystems and living organisms that have evolved so painstakingly over aeons on Earth? By moving at least some of them to Mars we can at least rest assured that no matter what happens on Earth, life in our solar system will continue in other places. But that's just the beginning.

    Another benefit of seeding Earth life on Mars is that we can jumpstart evolution on Mars by several million (or billion) years by seeding it with life from Earth. And then we can study how it evolves and adapts. Remember, many organisms contain in their DNA bits and pieces of lots of previous generations and species -- and as they adapt on Mars

  5. Humans Should Intentionally Seed Life on Mars. Why We Must Start Now.

    Here's a wildly unexpected proposal that just popped into my brain: Humanity should intentionally contaminate Mars with Earth lifeforms -- as soon as possible! The benefits vastly outweigh any concerns to the contrary. Indeed, it may be the smartest thing our species ever does.

    The first obvious benefit is that it will get Earth life off of Earth, making it more likely that it will survive. Humans are wrecking Earth -- but even if we don't Nature may do it for us. All it would take is one big comet or meteor impact -- or a supervolcano or ice-age and much of the living systems and civilization we currently take for granted would vanish in the blink of an eye. Our only insurance is to have a "planetary backup" -- so why not use Mars? We back up our data -- why not our DNA -- why not also backup the amazing ecosystems and living organisms that have evolved so painstakingly over aeons on Earth? By moving at least some of them to Mars we can at least rest assured that no matter what happens on Earth, life in our solar system will continue in other places. But that's just the beginning.

    Another benefit of seeding Earth life on Mars is that we can jumpstart evolution on Mars by several million (or billion) years by seeding it with life from Earth. And then we can study how it evolves and adapts. Remember, many organisms contain in their DNA bits and pieces of lots of previous generations and species -- and as they adapt on Mars

  6. Did Life On Mars Seed Life On Earth? Endeavour Mission To

  7. Life on Mars: Exploration & Evidence -

  8. Life on Mars: Exploration & Evidence -

  9. Did Life On Mars Seed Life On Earth? Endeavour Mission To

  10. The ancient astronaut or ancient alien hypothesis is a pseudoscientific hypothesis that posits that intelligent extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistory. Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of human cultures, technologies, and religions. A common claim is that deit

  11. Top 10 Ancient Aliens Mysteries

    Bryan Johnson February 21, 2011

    Ancient aliens is the idea that aliens visited earth in the past. The idea of ancient aliens is not a new one either. Imagination is one of the most powerful tools in humanity’s evolutionary struggle for survival. As a race, we are hardwired to consider important concepts, such as the creation of life on Earth and the history of people on this planet. At some point, we are all presented with various explanations and theories regarding the expansion of human life on Earth. In the long history of mankind, the majority of these concepts have followed religious teachings, and the power of a spiritual God or Gods. In modern times, many people have come to challenge these claims.

    The idea of evolution has been used to describe the gradual change of traits that living organisms undergo over time, which is related to the environment, but it doesn’t explain how the biological cells of human’s first ancestor were spawned. Because of the fact that everyone is interested in the creation of life on Earth, and concurrently we have been taught to believe in the power of religion and the impossibility of alien life, the idea that this article will be examining is controversial. It will be based around some concepts that have been labeled absurd by the scientific community, but let your imagination go, and have some fun with the list.

  12. Top 10 Ancient Aliens Mysteries

    Bryan Johnson February 21, 2011

    Ancient aliens is the idea that aliens visited earth in the past. The idea of ancient aliens is not a new one either. Imagination is one of the most powerful tools in humanity’s evolutionary struggle for survival. As a race, we are hardwired to consider important concepts, such as the creation of life on Earth and the history of people on this planet. At some point, we are all presented with various explanations and theories regarding the expansion of human life on Earth. In the long history of mankind, the majority of these concepts have followed religious teachings, and the power of a spiritual God or Gods. In modern times, many people have come to challenge these claims.

    The idea of evolution has been used to describe the gradual change of traits that living organisms undergo over time, which is related to the environment, but it doesn’t explain how the biological cells of human’s first ancestor were spawned. Because of the fact that everyone is interested in the creation of life on Earth, and concurrently we have been taught to believe in the power of religion and the impossibility of alien life, the idea that this article will be examining is controversial. It will be based around some concepts that have been labeled absurd by the scientific community, but let your imagination go, and have some fun with the list.

  13. The ancient astronaut or ancient alien hypothesis is a pseudoscientific hypothesis that posits that intelligent extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistory. Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of human cultures, technologies, and religions. A common claim is that deit

  14. The ancient astronaut or ancient alien hypothesis is a pseudoscientific hypothesis that posits that intelligent extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistory. Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of human cultures, technologies, and religions. A common claim is that deit


  15. Intro
    Credit: stock.xchng
    Puzzling ancient finds have a way of captivating the public, perhaps because it's just too easy to dream up interesting explanations for how and why things exist.

    These seven archaeological discoveries have managed to stay hot topics despite their age, appearing on magazine covers year after year and inspiring new theories for their existence along the way.




  16. Intro
    Credit: stock.xchng
    Puzzling ancient finds have a way of captivating the public, perhaps because it's just too easy to dream up interesting explanations for how and why things exist.

    These seven archaeological discoveries have managed to stay hot topics despite their age, appearing on magazine covers year after year and inspiring new theories for their existence along the way.



  17. Ancient Aliens explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years. From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings in the US, each episode in this hit HISTORY series gives historic depth to the questions, speculations, provocative controversies, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding this age old debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago

  18. Ancient Aliens explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years. From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings in the US, each episode in this hit HISTORY series gives historic depth to the questions, speculations, provocative controversies, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding this age old debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago

  19. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos

    Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is a Swiss-born Greek writer and television personality. He is a proponent of the idea that ancient alien astronauts interacted with ancient humans. He is the Chairman and co-founder of Legendary Times magazine, which features articles from Erich von Däniken, David Hatcher Childress, Peter Fiebag, Robert Bauval, a

  20. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos

    Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is a Swiss-born Greek writer and television personality. He is a proponent of the idea that ancient alien astronauts interacted with ancient humans. He is the Chairman and co-founder of Legendary Times magazine, which features articles from Erich von Däniken, David Hatcher Childress, Peter Fiebag, Robert Bauval, a

  21. Posted 15 November 2008 - 10:33 AM

    On the way from Tucsyan to the Canyon the roadcuts are Kaibab L.S. and contain a variety of fossils in the cherty L.S. This is Penn/Perm and contains gastropods, brachiopods, echinoids and more. It should be possible to pull out a trilobite. Make sure you are not on Park property when you collect at this location.

    The best paleozoic locality in the state is near Payson, a little town is a couple of hours NE of Phoenix. Once there go 10 miles East to where the road makes a fairly sharp bend N. (If you get to Kohl's Ranch Resort, you've gone too far.) Here the roadcuts and one wash where you will undoubtedly see others collecting, are the Naco Gp. (Pennsylvanian) and abundantly fossiliferous. The dominant two fossils are the brachiopods Composita sp. and Productus sp. From this spot eastwards for a few miles all the roadcuts are fossiliferous with the same Gp.
    Winkleman, AZ. - Roadcuts near Winkleman, south of Globe, along AZ-77, contain fossils of the Naco Group, marine Penn/Perm in high limestone cliffs interbedded with thin layers of shale. This site is used by the paleo. classes of the U/Az so the best time to go is winter, and just before the fall session starts. It can get pretty hot here so sunscreen & hats are a must. If you walk up the spillway you can find large shale exposures on the old highway (barely recognizable now). The most common fossils are crinoidal, with abundant columnal segments some 1 cm diameter. Some trilobites have been found here and brachiopods. Do not park along the road or you will be ticketed. There are pull-outs on the opposite side.There can be rattlers, desert centipedes (up to 6" length) and scorpions in the warmer weather so gloves are wise.

  22. Posted 15 November 2008 - 10:33 AM

    On the way from Tucsyan to the Canyon the roadcuts are Kaibab L.S. and contain a variety of fossils in the cherty L.S. This is Penn/Perm and contains gastropods, brachiopods, echinoids and more. It should be possible to pull out a trilobite. Make sure you are not on Park property when you collect at this location.

    The best paleozoic locality in the state is near Payson, a little town is a couple of hours NE of Phoenix. Once there go 10 miles East to where the road makes a fairly sharp bend N. (If you get to Kohl's Ranch Resort, you've gone too far.) Here the roadcuts and one wash where you will undoubtedly see others collecting, are the Naco Gp. (Pennsylvanian) and abundantly fossiliferous. The dominant two fossils are the brachiopods Composita sp. and Productus sp. From this spot eastwards for a few miles all the roadcuts are fossiliferous with the same Gp.
    Winkleman, AZ. - Roadcuts near Winkleman, south of Globe, along AZ-77, contain fossils of the Naco Group, marine Penn/Perm in high limestone cliffs interbedded with thin layers of shale. This site is used by the paleo. classes of the U/Az so the best time to go is winter, and just before the fall session starts. It can get pretty hot here so sunscreen & hats are a must. If you walk up the spillway you can find large shale exposures on the old highway (barely recognizable now). The most common fossils are crinoidal, with abundant columnal segments some 1 cm diameter. Some trilobites have been found here and brachiopods. Do not park along the road or you will be ticketed. There are pull-outs on the opposite side.There can be rattlers, desert centipedes (up to 6" length) and scorpions in the warmer weather so gloves are wise.


  23. Astronomers Discover Ancient System with Five Small Planets

    Astronomers using data from NASA's Kepler mission have discovered a planetary system of five small planets dating back to when the Milky Way galaxy was a youthful two billion years old.

    The tightly packed system, named Kepler-444, is home to five planets that range in size, the smallest comparable to the size of Mercury and the largest to Venus. All five planets orbit their sun-like star in less than ten days, which makes their orbits much closer than Mercury's sweltering 88-day orbit around the sun.

    1. International UFO Congress

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Jump to: navigation, search

      The International UFO Congress is an organization in Arizona dedicated to the dissemination of information related to many areas in Ufology. It was established in 1991 and hosts an annual conference. While previously held in Laughlin, Nevada, the conference moved to the Phoenix, Arizona area in 2011. It features presentations given by authors, researchers, experts, enthusiasts, and those who have witnessed paranormal or anomalous phenomena from all over the world. It also provides a forum to discuss the experiences and findings. This week-long event usually has over thirty speakers, a film festival, vendors, and experiencer sessions. Topics generally covered are alien abduction, UFO sightings, UFO crashes, crop circles, paranormal experiences, and government conspiracy


  24. Ancient Aliens and Air Planes

    Archaeologist have found sophisticated pre-Incan sculptures made in the
    shapes very similar to that of airplanes, jets, helicopters and space shuttles.
    These small gold figurines are approximately two inches in length and
    estimated to date between 500 and 800 BCE. Some archaeologists have
    suggested that the figures depict animals, however, this seems most unlikely.

    Another interesting note is the wings of the aircraft have small ornamental
    drawings on them, many in the form of spirals. To the ancient Indians of
    South America these spirals represented ascending and descending.

    These sculptures could be evidence of many things. Some say birds, other
    say advanced Inca intelligence, and still others the influence of ancient aliens.

    In 1997 researchers built scaled up models of these artifacts to test their
    flight capabilities. The exact specifications were scaled up and made of
    materials used for flight of small radio controlled craft. The only addition
    was a small engine and propeller. The scaled up versions of the ancient
    aircraft flew remarkably well performing loops, rolls, turns, as well as take
    off and landing under the radio remote control.

    The Dream of Flight has been in the imaginations of humankind since
    they watched in awe as birds soared effortlessly through the sky. According
    to accepted history, it wasn't until the 1780s that two Frenchmen achieved
    lighter-than-air flight when they were lifted into the air in a hot air balloon
    near Paris. Since then, we have had many historical evidence and facts
    that humankind attempted and achieved flight, and since then, in we have
    had the amazing achievements of the 16th century Leonardo Da Vinci
    design of a winged aircraft and a crude kind of helicopter, and then the

    Ancient Alien Drawing

    Abydos, Egypt & Ancient Airplanes: In this image
    one is able to depict the clear shapes of what seem to
    be an airplane dropping some kind of bomb, package,
    or object and to the upper left the figure of what
    seems like a modern day helicopter.

    Even more controversial than the model airplane are
    the enigmatic carvings found in the temple of Abydos,
    Egypt by Dr. Ruth Hover. Hover photographed a wall
    panel which had been revealed when a newer
    overlaying panel crumbled and fell off. The older
    panel beneath contained embossed images that
    resemble modern aircraft as seen in profile.

    In 1898, a peculiar six-inch wooden object was found
    in a tomb at Saqquara, Egypt that dated back to
    about 200 BCE. The object had a body or fuselage,
    seven-inch wings that curved downward slightly, a
    fixed rudder and a tail. It looked very much like a
    modern airplane or glider.

    Ancient Aliens Archives

    MORE ARTICLES: » Mars Once Held A Different Orbit » The Dogon People of Africa & Ancient Aliens » Ancient Aliens and Mars » Ancient Aliens & The Nazca Lines






  25. Ancient Aliens and Air Planes

    Archaeologist have found sophisticated pre-Incan sculptures made in the
    shapes very similar to that of airplanes, jets, helicopters and space shuttles.
    These small gold figurines are approximately two inches in length and
    estimated to date between 500 and 800 BCE. Some archaeologists have
    suggested that the figures depict animals, however, this seems most unlikely.

    Another interesting note is the wings of the aircraft have small ornamental
    drawings on them, many in the form of spirals. To the ancient Indians of
    South America these spirals represented ascending and descending.

    These sculptures could be evidence of many things. Some say birds, other
    say advanced Inca intelligence, and still others the influence of ancient aliens.

    In 1997 researchers built scaled up models of these artifacts to test their
    flight capabilities. The exact specifications were scaled up and made of
    materials used for flight of small radio controlled craft. The only addition
    was a small engine and propeller. The scaled up versions of the ancient
    aircraft flew remarkably well performing loops, rolls, turns, as well as take
    off and landing under the radio remote control.

    The Dream of Flight has been in the imaginations of humankind since
    they watched in awe as birds soared effortlessly through the sky. According
    to accepted history, it wasn't until the 1780s that two Frenchmen achieved
    lighter-than-air flight when they were lifted into the air in a hot air balloon
    near Paris. Since then, we have had many historical evidence and facts
    that humankind attempted and achieved flight, and since then, in we have
    had the amazing achievements of the 16th century Leonardo Da Vinci
    design of a winged aircraft and a crude kind of helicopter, and then the

    Ancient Alien Drawing

    Abydos, Egypt & Ancient Airplanes: In this image
    one is able to depict the clear shapes of what seem to
    be an airplane dropping some kind of bomb, package,
    or object and to the upper left the figure of what
    seems like a modern day helicopter.

    Even more controversial than the model airplane are
    the enigmatic carvings found in the temple of Abydos,
    Egypt by Dr. Ruth Hover. Hover photographed a wall
    panel which had been revealed when a newer
    overlaying panel crumbled and fell off. The older
    panel beneath contained embossed images that
    resemble modern aircraft as seen in profile.

    In 1898, a peculiar six-inch wooden object was found
    in a tomb at Saqquara, Egypt that dated back to
    about 200 BCE. The object had a body or fuselage,
    seven-inch wings that curved downward slightly, a
    fixed rudder and a tail. It looked very much like a
    modern airplane or glider.

    Ancient Aliens Archives

    MORE ARTICLES: » Mars Once Held A Different Orbit » The Dogon People of Africa & Ancient Aliens » Ancient Aliens and Mars » Ancient Aliens & The Nazca Lines





  26. According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. But how did this concept develop, and is there any evidence to support it?

    Ancient alien theory grew out of the centuries-old idea that life exists on other planets, and that humans and extraterrestrials have crossed paths before. The theme of human-alien interaction was thrust into the spotlight in the 1960s, driven by a wave of UFO sightings and popular films like 2001: A Space Odyssey. The space program played no small part in this as well: If mankind could travel to other planets, why couldn’t extraterrestrials visit Earth?

    In 1968, the Swiss author Erich von Däniken published Chariots of the Gods?, which became an immediate bestseller. In it, he put forth his hypothesis that, thousands of years ago, space travelers from other planets visited Earth, where they taught humans about technology and influenced ancient religions. He is regarded by many as the father of ancient alien theory, also known as the ancient astronaut theory.

    Most ancient alien theorists, including von Däniken, point to two types of evidence to support their ideas. The first is ancient religious texts in which humans witness and interact with gods or other heavenly beings who descend from the sky—sometimes in vehicles resembling spaceships—and possess spectacular powers. The second is physical specimens such as artwork depicting alien-like figures and ancient architectural marvels like Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt.

  27. According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. But how did this concept develop, and is there any evidence to support it?

    Ancient alien theory grew out of the centuries-old idea that life exists on other planets, and that humans and extraterrestrials have crossed paths before. The theme of human-alien interaction was thrust into the spotlight in the 1960s, driven by a wave of UFO sightings and popular films like 2001: A Space Odyssey. The space program played no small part in this as well: If mankind could travel to other planets, why couldn’t extraterrestrials visit Earth?

    In 1968, the Swiss author Erich von Däniken published Chariots of the Gods?, which became an immediate bestseller. In it, he put forth his hypothesis that, thousands of years ago, space travelers from other planets visited Earth, where they taught humans about technology and influenced ancient religions. He is regarded by many as the father of ancient alien theory, also known as the ancient astronaut theory.

    Most ancient alien theorists, including von Däniken, point to two types of evidence to support their ideas. The first is ancient religious texts in which humans witness and interact with gods or other heavenly beings who descend from the sky—sometimes in vehicles resembling spaceships—and possess spectacular powers. The second is physical specimens such as artwork depicting alien-like figures and ancient architectural marvels like Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt.


  28. Can Humans Live on Mars?

    by Ken Kremer on November 19, 2012

    Image caption: Curiosity is taking the first ever radiation measurements from the surface of another planet in order to determine if future human explorers can live on Mars – as she traverses the terrain of the Red Planet. Curiosity is looking back to her rover tracks and the foothills of Mount Sharp and the eroded rim of Gale Crater in the distant horizon on Sol 24 (Aug. 30, 2012). This panorama is featured on PBS NOVA ‘Ultimate Mars Challenge’ documentary which premiered on PBS TV on Nov. 14. RAD is located on the rover deck in this colorized mosaic stitched together from Navcam images by the image processing team of Ken Kremer & Marco Di Lorenzo. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Ken Kremer / Marco Di Lorenzo


  29. Life on Mars: How a One-Way Martian Colony Project Could Work

    By Katia Moskvitch, Contributor | December 04, 2013 06:14pm ET





    Astronauts and Mars One Colony

    Artist's concept of Mars One astronauts and their habitat on the Red Planet. The nonprofit Mars One announced on Aug. 5, 2014 that it's starting a program called "Mars Exchange" to answer questions and spur dialogue about its ambitions colonization plans.
    Credit: Bryan Versteeg/Mars One
    View full size image

    LONDON — It's a one-way ticket, but don't worry: You'll live there longer than back home on Earth, says Bas Lansdorp. After all, on Mars you can't get hit by a car. And everything you'll eat will be organic — no pesticides, just fertilizer made from, well, recycled human waste.

    As he addresses a room full of entrepreneurs, Lansdorp — founder of the Mars One colony project—looks as excited as a child. He is here at a recent International Space Commerce summit to promote his out-of-this-world idea, a one-way trip to the Red Planet, and possibly spark the interest of investors.

    "There's no good answer to the question why exactly we want to go to Mars. But it will happen because exploration is what we humans do," Lansdorp says enthusiastically. [Photos: How Mars One Wants to Colonize the Red Planet]

    Mars One co-founder Bas Lansdorp addresses the Million Martian Meeting in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 3, 2013 to discuss plans for a Mars colony mission in 2023.

    Mars One co-founder Bas Lansdorp addresses the Million Martian Meeting in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 3, 2013 to discuss plans for a Mars colony mission in 2023.
    Credit: Lewis
    View full size image

    Wanted: Mars


  30. Life on Mars: How a One-Way Martian Colony Project Could Work

    By Katia Moskvitch, Contributor | December 04, 2013 06:14pm ET





    Astronauts and Mars One Colony

    Artist's concept of Mars One astronauts and their habitat on the Red Planet. The nonprofit Mars One announced on Aug. 5, 2014 that it's starting a program called "Mars Exchange" to answer questions and spur dialogue about its ambitions colonization plans.
    Credit: Bryan Versteeg/Mars One
    View full size image

    LONDON — It's a one-way ticket, but don't worry: You'll live there longer than back home on Earth, says Bas Lansdorp. After all, on Mars you can't get hit by a car. And everything you'll eat will be organic — no pesticides, just fertilizer made from, well, recycled human waste.

    As he addresses a room full of entrepreneurs, Lansdorp — founder of the Mars One colony project—looks as excited as a child. He is here at a recent International Space Commerce summit to promote his out-of-this-world idea, a one-way trip to the Red Planet, and possibly spark the interest of investors.

    "There's no good answer to the question why exactly we want to go to Mars. But it will happen because exploration is what we humans do," Lansdorp says enthusiastically. [Photos: How Mars One Wants to Colonize the Red Planet]

    Mars One co-founder Bas Lansdorp addresses the Million Martian Meeting in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 3, 2013 to discuss plans for a Mars colony mission in 2023.

    Mars One co-founder Bas Lansdorp addresses the Million Martian Meeting in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 3, 2013 to discuss plans for a Mars colony mission in 2023.
    Credit: Lewis
    View full size image

    Wanted: Mars

    1. The Eternal Battle

      Some fundamentalist Christian apocalyptic accounts incorporate Greys and the UFO phenomenon into a dualist narrative of conflict between Ultimate Good and ultimate evil. It is God vs. Satan in a battle for the soul of Man, the Earth, and the whole of Creation. Satan's minions are deceivers who come as Angels of Light. (I John). That Satan is the "Prince of the Power of the Air" (waves), becomes both a reference to Satan's control of the media and his alleged domination of the upper atmosphere and outer spaces between Earth and Heaven.

      Nephilim and hybridization

      The idea that certain angelic or other advanced beings are responsible for "tending" the development of human life, evolution, and civilization may be taken up many ways in apocalyptic discourse, depending upon the eschatological/theological orientation of the apocalyptic rhetor.

      The book of Genesis begins its account of the Creation of Man by asserting that gods (elohim) created man. Later in Genesis, a group known as Watchers, elohim (gods or "mighty ones"), or ben elohim (sons of gods) mate with human women. (See: The Ben Elohim or Sons of God(s) in Genesis, The Watchers in the Book of Enoch and Genesis, and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and going after "alien flesh" in Jude .)

      In books like Van Danniken's Chariot of the Gods or Zecariah Zitchin's The Gods of Eden cryptological and naturalistic readings of angels, gods and the phenomena that surround them turn the Divine into the merely extra-terrestrial. The gods are those landlords, caretakers, and legal proprietors of the earth whose rule, in Christian terms, is to be replaced by God in the Church during the Millenium and thereafter. In a word, the benevolent aliens of Van Danniken's cosmology are the demons and angels of Christian theology and eschatology These are in essence competing visions.

      Christian theologies may have a place for biological or other extra-terrestrial life understood in naturalistic terms even though some Christians reject wholly the possibility of other inhabited worlds as a demonic deception. Traditionalist Catholics such as Veronica Leuken, the Soldiers of Jesus and Mary and others are examples of this. The Virgin Mary and the Jesus of Traditionalist Catholic visions categorically assert that there is no life on other worlds as Humans understand it.

      Human genetics is a preoccupation of both a lot of apocalyptic discourse and current scientific research. The metaphors of the garden and the vineyard are frequently deployed in the particular species of apocalyptic discourse which concerns itself with aliens, angels, and human genetics.

    2. Animal Experimentation and abortion.

      Greys resemble fetuses. They remove fetuses from the wombs of human females. They tag and follow humans genetically, generally treating them as inferior beings under the Greys' charge. They violate human free will, something even God refuses to do! They emerge as phantoms and visions from a human apocalyptic subconscious, re-enacting upon humans their abortions and animal experimentations.

      Real, Hyper-dimensional, physical beings or Spirits?

      Greys can apparently pass through walls. They travel in discs of shining metal. They can float and control of gravity, and are of a technological orientation. They are also associated with time travel.

      In 1998, Fr. Balducci explained the Vatican's position on the possibility of extra-terrestrial life.

      Malevolent or Beneficent?

      Page which relates Grey Aliens to Antichrist, 666 and Saddam Hussein. Other files equate the B.E.A.S.T. computer with quantum mechanics and the "New World Order." Discusses the various good and bad alien races: Go to root ~rah/.


  31. Humans Will Live On Mars In 2023

    By majestic on June 5, 2012 in News

    Guess how they’ll get there? Via a reality television event that will fund the whole project. Seriously, that’s what the promoters are claiming and the story has spread far and wide. From the official Mars One site:

    Mars One’s mission objective

    Mars One plans to establish the first human settlement on Mars by April 2023. The first crew of four astronauts emigrate to their new planet from Earth, a journey that takes seven months. A new team will join the settlement every two years. By 2033 there will be over twenty people living, working and flourishing on Mars, their new home.

    The vision of Mars One

    1. The Reptilians or Reptoids alien race (which is a word mixed from reptilians and humanoids and are the same creature) are human looking lizard creatures that can shape shift. They are also known as dinosauroids, lizardfolk, lizardmen Saurians alpha draconians, and Sauroids.

      Reptilians are tall, around 7 to 9 feet, have green scaly skin, three long fingers and an opposable thumb with talons on the ends, holes for ears, muscular legs and arms, and large eyes. There have been reports of Reptilians with and without tails, with and without wings, and hidden genitalia. They have been sighted wearing very little clothes except for armor but are always seen with some sort of utility belt said to be used to help them become invisible.
      Reptilian Alien Reptilians Reptilian Meeting Reptilians Replilian Picture Reptoid

      Reptilians and The New World Order

      Reptilians are a very dangerous alien species that are bent on the domination of Earth. They are very intelligent, known as evil, have telekinetic powers and have a warlike mentality that has driven them to secretly incorporate themselves into our society for their cause. Some conspiracy theories suspect that many important leaders are actually Reptilians acting as humans in order to help them with their agenda (From as George W. Bush to members of the British royal family).

      There are a few different theories as to where the Reptilians actually come from. Some say that they were here on Earth before us humans and live in secret underground, in various caverns around the world while others believe that they are from the Alpha Draconi star system of the Orion Constellation or both.


  32. History of Anasazi Indians, Utah

    Taken from the Utah History Encyclopedia (Links Added)


    *The Anasazi ("Ancient Ones"), thought to be ancestors of the modern Pueblo Indians, inhabited the Four Corners country of southern Utah, southwestern Colorado, northwestern New Mexico, and northern Arizona from about A.D. 200 to A.D. 1300, leaving a heavy accumulation of house remains and debris. Recent research has traced the Anasazi to the "archaic" peoples who practiced a wandering, hunting, and food-gathering life-style from about 6000 B.C. until some of them began to develop into the distinctive Anasazi culture in the last millennium B.C. During the last two centuries B.C., the people began to supplement their food gathering with maize horticulture. By A.D. 1200 horticulture had assumed a significant role in the economy.

    Because their culture changed continually (and not always gradually), researchers have divided the occupation into periods, each with its characteristic complex of settlement and artifact styles. Since 1927 the most widely accepted nomenclature has been the "Pecos Classification," which is generally applicable to the whole Anasazi Southwest. Although originally intended to represent a series of developmental stages, rather than periods, the Pecos Classification has come to be used as a period sequence:
    Basketmaker I: pre-1000 B.C. (an obsolete synonym for Archaic)
    Basketmaker II: c. 1000 B.C. to A.D. 450

    Basketmaker III: c. A.D. 450 to 750

    Pueblo I: c. A.D. 750 to 900

    Pueblo II: c. A.D. 900 to 1150

    Pueblo III: c. A.D. 1150 to 1300

    Pueblo IV: c. A.D. 1300 to 1600

    Pueblo V: c. A.D. 1600 to present (historic Pueblo)

    The last two periods are not important to this

  33. Anasazi Indian Ruins - Arizona
    1.Wupatki National Monument Wupatki National Monument
    Located in an arid high desert region just north of Flagstaff, the monument contains a variety of mesa top ruins which are a blend of Anasazi and Sinaguan culture. The area was occupied after Sunset Crater's peak exploded in 1064-5 C.E. The subsequent ash cover greatly increased soil fertility. The principal pueblo, Wupatki, has features not seen elsewhere in Anasazi country: a huge amphitheater which resembles a great kiva but without any ceremonial structures. Also, a ballcourt which is a Hohokam influence from southern Arizona and originally Mexico. Adjacent Sunset Crater National Monument offers views of numerous volcanic peaks.
    Back to Map

    2.Walnut Canyon National Monument Walnut Canyon National Monument
    Located in a steep and hidden canyon just east of Flagstaff, this settlement was built in the early 1100's by Sinaguan people emigrating from Wupatki and using Anasazi building techniques. The steep hillside has many overhangs, and the resulting alcoves made ideal rooms once the fronts were bricked over. With lush vegetation, water, plentiful game, and arable fields, the inhabitants were thought to have had a prosperous existence here for almost 200 years.
    Back to Map

    3.Homolovi Ruins State Park
    Located just off Interstate-40 about an hour east of Flagstaff. This state park protects four very large pueblo sites which might be considered late Anasazi or early Hopi. The area was believed occupied from 1200 to 1400 C.E. The area is very rich in relics, and archaeologists continue to work here in the summer. Also, the park has an excellent campground with hookups. Back to Map

    4.Petrified Forest National Park Petrified Forest National Park
    While the focus of the park is the petrified wood, the area is rich in ruin sites as well as rock art. There are several exhibits, the most unusual being the Agate House, a restoration of a small pueblo built entirely with petrified wood! Back to Map

  34. is no question that something crashed to the ground that night, but there seems to be no hard drawn conclusion among the different theories. Was it a weather balloon or an alien UFO?

    An abundance of people still say that the military and government has many questions they've yet to answer in relation to the Roswell crash. They claim there was an enormous conspiracy to cover up what really happened. Whatever it was that crashed that night left a trail of debris reaching almost a mile long and several hundred feet in width. First discovered by a local ranch manager, the debris was recovered by the 509th Bomb Group Intelligence Office with Major Jesse Marcel at the lead.

    Immediately upon their return to the southern Nevada Area 51 base there was an official press release stating that debris from some kind of flying disc had been recovered. It had been written by Lt. Walter Haut, and a newspaper story followed on July 8th with the headline “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region”. Click Here to see the actual paper!

    However, that press release was almost immediately pulled and replaced by another stating that the crash was only that of a weather balloon, and had nothing to do with an alien UFO. Lt. Walter Haut never a made a big deal of it, and always was nonchalant about the incident when interviewed over the years. He died in December of 2005; supposedly leaving the truth behind in an affidavit that was only to be opened after he had passed away.

    1. It isn't well known that the Governments have been covering up the fact the aliens have bases on the moon. There are many facts, Pictures, videos, satellite images, and testimonies that create hard evidence of this fact. From well known respected scientists, Astronauts, and military personal we gain a pretty define perspective on this subject.

      Secret Alien Moon Base

      First we have this video below which is part of the disclosure project that starts off with a women talking to Military personnel about an image from space that has an Unidentified Flying object in it. She asks, "is that a UFO" and he answered, "I'm not allowed to tell you that". Now we know that he could have even said yes because a UFO doesn't stand for some alien ship it simply means an Unidentified Flying object. But he instead says it's privileged information. When she asks what hes going to do with this extraordinary information he replies, "it's procedure to air brush these images out before we release them to the public".

  35. Next we have a man sergeant Karl Wolfe in the video, that was brought to Langley air force base where the NSA (National Security Agency) was bringing in information and pictures from the lunar orbiter. At that point one of the Officers said that they had found a base on the back side of the moon. Afterwords sergeant Karl Wolfe was shown images of the base from large towers to spherical domes over half a mile in diameter on a section of the dark side of the moon. He immediately stopped looking at the moon base pictures fearing for his safety. These are real Military personnel not just people off the street. They came forward knowing that they and their family's would be at risk just so they could reveal to the public the truth about UFOs and alien moon bases.

    Alien Moon Base Pictures and Satellite Images
    Alien Moon Base Alien Moon Base Alien Moon Base
    These three images come from a NASA satellite which circled the moon in order to supposedly map it. Oddly enough though most of these missions were financed from the defence department and not just through NASA. NASA has blurred out the images of the alien bases and structures but if you look closely you can, through the blurriness, see the shapes of the towers and buildings. Next we have a man sergeant Karl Wolfe in the video, that was brought to Langley air force base where the NSA (National Security Agency) was bringing in information and pictures from the lunar orbiter. At that point one of the Officers said that they had found a base on the back side of the moon. Afterwords sergeant Karl Wolfe was shown images of the base from large towers to spherical domes over half a mile in diameter on a section of the dark side of the moon. He immediately stopped looking at the moon base pictures fearing for his safety. These are real Military personnel not just people off the street. They came forward knowing that they and their family's would be at risk just so they could reveal to the public the truth about UFOs and alien moon bases.

    Alien Moon Base Pictures and Satellite Images
    Alien Moon Base Alien Moon Base Alien Moon Base
    These three images come from a NASA satellite which circled the moon in order to supposedly map it. Oddly enough though most of these missions were financed from the defence department and not just through NASA. NASA has blurred out the images of the alien bases and structures but if you look closely you can, through the blurriness, see the shapes of the towers and buildings. go to FOR IMAGES OF THE MOON PRINTS


  36. Travis Walton Alien Abduction Case

    On November 5th, 1975 Travis Walton was abducted by aliens while on his way home from logging in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. He and his six co-workers witnessed a bright light in the woods while driving home in Mike Rogers truck and decided to drive towards it to see what it was. When they approached the light, about 30 yards away, they stopped the truck because they realized it was some kind of a UFO that was about 20 feet in diameter and 8 feet high. At this time, Travis Walton jumped out of the truck and walked towards the floating object. Everyone else in the truck was yelling at him to come back when, what they described as a blueish light, came out of the flying saucer and directly hit Mr. Walton. Mr. Walton got slightly lifted off the ground and thrown back a few feet. At this point Mike Rogers and the rest of the crew took off in fear.

    In what the crew figured was about 15-20 minutes, they decided returned to where they left Travis, but both the UFO and Travis were gone. They searched for him for about a half an hour, hoping that he had tried to get away, but was nowhere to be found.

    They got back into town around 7:30 p.m. and Kenneth Peterson called the local Deputy Sheriff Chuck Ellison to report what had happened and that Travis Walton was missing. The Deputy was obviously skeptical of their account of what happened earlier even though all of the men were very distraught. In fact, later on he was quoted saying: "If they were acting, they were awfully good at it."

    At this time the Deputy called Sheriff Marlin Gillespie who came down to interview the men with Officer Ken Coplan. They decided to get a search team together to look for Walton back at the scene, but there was no trace of him or the disk-shaped object that the men said had struck Travis. The police were beginning to suspect foul play.
    The Witnesses Polygraph Tests

    Because Mr. Walton was missing and the story the men gave of a UFO abducting him, the police decided to administer a polygraph test to the six men. The test was taken by the men on November 10th by Cy Gilson.

    During the polygraph the men were asked questions such as: "if they had caused harm to Walton," "if they were telling the truth about the UFO," "if they knew where his body was buried." All of the men answered truthfully to the questions except Allen Dallis whos test came back inconclusive.

    In Gilson's official report he stated: "These polygraph examinations prove that these five men did see some object they believed to be a UFO, and that Travis Walton was not injured or murdered by any of these men on that Wednesday."

    Travis Walton is Found

    Late in the evening on November 10th Grant Neff got a phone call from someone that claimed to be Travis Walton. The low raspy voice on the line said: "This is Travis. I'm at a phone booth at the Heber gas station, and I need help. Come and get me." Because of the attention the story had gotten the last five days he thought it was a prank and almost hung up, but the man on the phone expressed again that he was Traivis and he needed help.

    Grant and Duane drove out to the gas station and found Travis on the floor of the phone booth he made the call from. He was in the same clothes as he was when he went missing, was unshaven, and visibly thinner than before. He was dismayed, talking gibberish about strange beings and was scared.

    They took him to his mother's house and tried to feed him and washed him off, but he was in pretty bad condition and had a hard time doing anything. go to for more information on Travis Walton.
